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  1. I am so thankful that you made it out there safely that day. I can’t even imagine the emotions and fears that would come from a situation like this. I am so glad for your close friends who were able to be by your side and help you debrief from such a scary day. I never want anyone to go through this, and I am so thankful you have moved past it and are onto wonderful opportunities, that hopefully provide you with so much joy!

  2. Responding to this top 10 has taken me some time. In all of my social help years I have never experienced the events you listed. The Gun was without the most hair raising of all. I will thank GOD every day for your safety. I am here anytime you want to have some one-on-one private conversation please call. Please trust and use your past Catholic background to help you through this difficult memory.
    Gma Gpa

    1. That was undoubtedly a horrible time, and thank you for sharing all of that. I know that wasn’t easy to do. And I want you to know that you have succeeded in your goal, Erik.

  3. You have certainly been through some scary situations.
    Being the the mature young man you have become has helped you handle almost any situation. So proud 👏

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