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  1. Oh man, I love the Mission Impossible franchise. Sometimes I feel like a used car salesman trying to promote it to other people. I’m not kidding, I have venmo’d friends to watch Mission Impossible. I truly think the series, especially Ghost Protocol and onward is substantially better than the James Bond franchise. Sure, I might be in the minority, but I think this series has much better action sequences, and while both franchises have plots that tend to be…impossible, the MI franchise is much more self-aware and fun. It is also refreshing that for the most part, all of these actions scenes are real. Sure, there are some touch-up CGI and editing. But for action movies of the past 20 years to have all action scenes completely computer generated, there is something about watching Tom Cruise do something incredible, and fully know that it is actually Tom Cruise doing what is on the big screen.

    For the most part, I agree with your list. Here’s my quick list with a few comments:

    #7: Mission Impossible 2: It’s really bad. The directing style feels so out of place with this series. Iconic image of an explosion of fire in the doorway, bright light shining through, white doves fly into the room, and Tom Cruise walks by in slow motion.

    #6: Mission Impossible 3: This movie is the most frustrating. I actually think this movie could be great if directed by Chris McQuarrie (director of the new MI movies). Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s villain has a lot of potential. Explaining the “Rabbit’s Foot” would help. I think the pieces are there for a compelling movie, but JJ Abrams made a really boring movie.

    *Large Gap*

    #5: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol: Like you said, the turning point of the franchise. #5 seems low for a 7 movie series, but that speaks more to the quality of the series. The Burj Khalifa scene is incredible. Simon Pegg is hilarious. Personally, my second favorite running shot of Tom Cruise in this series. The aerial shot of him sprinting in Dubai while the darkness of the sandstorm approaching is great.

    #4: Mission Impossible: I am a total sucker for this film. I don’t think it’s good. I think it’s GREAT. The chaotic opening mission scene that goes awry really sets the tone for the mystery of the rest of the movie. Cruise’s meeting with Kittridge is fantastic. “You want to shake hands with the devil, that’s fine with me. I just want to make sure you do it in hell.” I also think breaking into the CIA scene is iconic and underrated. Future movies have unbelievable action scenes, but Cruise dangling in midair in complete silence with beads of sweat dripping from his face are absolutely thrilling.

    #3?: Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One: I don’t know where to place this yet. It’s not truly a standalone movie, but certainly great. I thought this movie had worse action sequences than the previous 3 MI movies, but I think the storyline of the self-aware AI was done extremely well, in a unique way, and very topical. Normally, I leave an MI movie feeling pumped up and blown away by the action, but I left this one pondering much more about AI’s impact in our current world today. Don’t get me wrong, Tom Cruise riding a motorcycle off a cliff is a sight to see.

    *Please people, watch these movies. I’ll pay you*

    #2: Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation: I get goosebumps just THINKING about the opening scene. Hilarious banter with the non-Tom Cruise cast. Oh, the plane is about to get away? But where’s Tom Cruise? Cue Tom Cruise running in out of nowhere, hopping onto the side of the movie plane, more fun banter with Simon Pegg. One underrated character in the series? Rebecca Ferguson’s Ilsa Faust. Total badass. Alec Baldwin and the team confronting the Prime Minister towards the end of the movie is a top 5 moment in the series for me.

    #1: Mission Impossible: Fallout: Start to finish, you are watching one of the best action movies of the past few decades. The HALO jump scene is astonishing. Honestly, all this movie is. Wolf Blitzer at the beginning? Yes, please. Favorite part of the movie? Henry Cavill cocking his biceps. That’s right. He cocked his biceps getting them ready for a fight.

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